European 1
EXANTE has added over 10,000 bonds to its offering and unlocked essential data on fixed income instruments.
EXANTE is a global trademark shared by a family of brokers licensed individually by the FCA (UK), MFSA (Malta), CySEC (Cyprus) and SFC (Hong Kong) with a footprint extending across 20+ global locations including London, Cyprus, Malta, and Hong Kong. The EXANTE trademark is solely owned and licensed by XNT LTD. XNT LTD has granted use of the EXANTE trading name and branding to EXT Ltd., XHK Ltd. and LHCM Ltd.
Victor Argonov, Senior Analyst at investment firm EXANTE, weighs the impact of COVID-19 against the past financial crises.
We delivered a major website update reshaping its institutional offering.
Simona Stankovska, Global PR Manager at EXANTE, has been awarded the prestigious 'British Citizen Award' for her dedication and contribution to charity.
In episode 9 of EXANTE’s market analytics series ‘Surfing the Curves’ we take a more in-depth look into the world’s macro- and micro-economic situation with the CEO of the Movchan’s Group and Global Economist, Andrey Movchan.
The panel of experts at Financial Adviser shortlisted EXANTE for the Diversity in Finance Awards. We are proud to contend in two categories: ‘Employer of the year’ and ‘Championing Female Equality’.
‘Surfing the Curves’ releases its 8th episode. This time, Simona Stankovska talks to crypto expert and Account Manager at EXANTE Aleksandrs Puntuss.
EXANTE’s ‘Surfing the Curves’ released a new video with Ainars Velicevskis and a special guest - Mille!
EXANTE’s ‘Surfing the Curves’ released a market update with Ainars Velicevskis.
EXANTE’s market analytics channel ‘Surfing the Curves’ released a new episode with Ainars Velicevskis.
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Każde nieuprawnione wykorzystanie materiałów może naruszać prawa autorskie, prawa dotyczące znaków towarowych lub inne powiązane prawa.
Jeśli uważasz, że jakikolwiek materiał opublikowany na tej stronie narusza Twoje prawa autorskie, prawa własności intelektualnej lub inne prawa pokrewne, prosimy o niezwłoczny kontakt z nami za pośrednictwem formularza kontaktowego dostępnego na tej stronie.
Nie ponosimy odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek błędy w materiałach zamieszczonych na tej stronie i nie ponosimy odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek szkody wynikające z korzystania z tych materiałów.