European 1
On May 30, we are organizing a seminar on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies for entrepreneurs and private investors.
The inaugural EXANTE and Amplify trading simulation took place on Wednesday, February 26th. The event brought students from universities as far afield as Dundee up to its central Birmingham venue.
EXANTE hosted the Investor Talks conference in St. Petersburg. The Talks brought together 70 attendees, including EXANTE's partners and their clients.
On September 27, EXANTE Sales Director for Europe & CIS Guntars Pupelis will participate in the Proptech conference, where he’ll explain how to properly invest in crypto when the law does not give clear instructions.
Why you should not fear the cryptocurrency hedge funds, how to get the maximum from the digital assets growth and what today’s micro-trends can become tomorrow’s boom – on September 10th EXANTE CEO Alexey Kirienko will answer these and other compelling questions.
Looking to invest in crypto, but don’t want any legal trouble? EXANTE Director of Sales for Europe and the CIS Guntars Pupelis will talk about the legal aspects of cryptocurrency investing at the conference Funds and cryptocurrencies: the Development and the Technology, set to take place on June 14 in Cyprus.
On May 22, EXANTE’s CEO will share his ideas on cryptocurrency securitization.
On April 4 CEO EXANTE will talk about investing in cryptocurrency through hedge funds.
Co-founder and CEO of the world’s first liquid cooled GPU farm Comino Evgeniy Vlasov will share his opinion on the development of financial technologies at the BlockchainUA conference in Kiev.
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