EXANTE jest firmą z branży wealthtech, która dostarcza scentralizowane rozwiązania transakcyjne oraz infrastrukturę finansową B2B; tworzymy wartość poprzez technologię. EXANTE ma ponad dziesięcioletnie doświadczenie w oferowaniu zindywidualizowanych usług. Posiadamy ponad dziesięcioletnie doświadczenie w dostarczaniu usług dostosowanych do potrzeb naszych klientów. Jesteśmy autoryzowani i regulowani przez FCA (Wielka Brytania), CySEC (Cypr) i SFC (Hongkong), a nasz zasięg obejmuje ponad 30 lokalizacji na całym świecie, w tym Londyn, Cypr, Maltę i Hongkong.
Nasza specjalnie dopasowana, autorska platforma została zaprojektowana przez profesjonalistów dla profesjonalistów i działa na rozproszonej infrastrukturze IT wspieranej przez globalną sieć ponad 1100 serwerów.
The globalisation of capital flows, in combination with digitisation, enables capital markets to be constantly in motion. In this day and age, as capital and information are intrinsically the same, people, businesses, and AI should be able to freely connect and transact with each other, without boundaries and limits.
We give our clients access to comprehensive, global financial instruments and free allocation of capital through our robust and cutting-edge platforms. Knowing that their data and trades are safe and private, they are empowered to invest better.
The globalisation of capital flows, in combination with digitisation, enables capital markets to be constantly in motion. In this day and age, as capital and information are intrinsically the same, people, businesses, and AI should be able to freely connect and transact with each other, without boundaries and limits.
We give our clients access to comprehensive, global financial instruments and free allocation of capital through our robust and cutting-edge platforms. Knowing that their data and trades are safe and private, they are empowered to invest better.
EXANTE is not only a company that values privacy, but a private club, a place that gives our clients an edge, a place for them to call their own. We limit the collection of private customer data, which we only share for compliance purposes. What belongs to our clients, stays with our clients. Our clients are our partners, not our product, so we only profit when you profit.
As a privately-owned company, we decide the best for customers and shareholders, not chained to the expectations of external investors and the public. Because of this freedom, EXANTE is here to build for the long term.
EXANTE is not only a company that values privacy, but a private club, a place that gives our clients an edge, a place for them to call their own. We limit the collection of private customer data, which we only share for compliance purposes. What belongs to our clients, stays with our clients. Our clients are our partners, not our product, so we only profit when you profit.
As a privately-owned company, we decide the best for customers and shareholders, not chained to the expectations of external investors and the public. Because of this freedom, EXANTE is here to build for the long term.
It’s not enough to create a product or provide a service that is innovative, we have a responsibility to challenge the status quo, inspire incumbents to do better, and move the needle in financial services. It is only these types of outputs that are truly innovative, therefore enduring in nature. This proactive approach is not driven by flimsy, external trends, but by the daily use of our products by our executives and employees. We drive innovation based on our own experiences, observations, and those of our esteemed clients.
It’s not enough to create a product or provide a service that is innovative, we have a responsibility to challenge the status quo, inspire incumbents to do better, and move the needle in financial services. It is only these types of outputs that are truly innovative, therefore enduring in nature. This proactive approach is not driven by flimsy, external trends, but by the daily use of our products by our executives and employees. We drive innovation based on our own experiences, observations, and those of our esteemed clients.
Our esteemed clients operate at the highest degree of excellence, and they expect the same from us. From our technology to our customer service, we provide a private, personalised, premium experience to customers. Our members reach out whenever, however, via whatever means in their native language. With dedicated account managers, 24/7 customer service, and real-person response in under three minutes, our relationships are pivotal in the success of EXANTE.
Our esteemed clients operate at the highest degree of excellence, and they expect the same from us. From our technology to our customer service, we provide a private, personalised, premium experience to customers. Our members reach out whenever, however, via whatever means in their native language. With dedicated account managers, 24/7 customer service, and real-person response in under three minutes, our relationships are pivotal in the success of EXANTE.
EXANTE was founded by technologists, not bankers. We believe that:
Money and information are intrinsically similar.
In the 21st century, there has been an enormous leap in the accessibility and ubiquity of information, but finance is still lagging far behind. In the late 1700’s, the first Industrial Revolution was spurred on by growing global trade, increased rural to urban migration, and new productivity enhancing inventions. A new revolution has been the explosion of innovation since the invention of the internet in 1983. Its growing use from the 1990s democratised information and encouraged adventurers to seek information and utilise it.
In the same way, when access to capital is more open and it is allocated more efficiently, humanity progresses. Today, moving money and information uses the same technology. In bits and bytes, money becomes information, and with more information, one can also make more money. Libraries, databases, and caches have become the stewards of information. At EXANTE, we have a similar role to be stewards: to keep finance safe, accessible, and provide lasting infrastructure that keeps it alive.
In 2011, our founders were frustrated by the fragmentation of investment service products, and felt personally aggrieved by the fact that the world of finance, which should be as fluid and accessible as information, was so limited. In developing EXANTE, we saw technology as a means to improve global connectivity of the financial services industry.
To address the frustrating fragmentation and latency our founders discovered when trading, we built one platform to centralise access to hundreds of thousands of financial instruments and to stream real-time market data to investors. For early on, privacy and personal service were core to the vital components of what we envisioned as the future of investment services.
Our wide range of counterparties offers diversification and easy access to all financial operations and risk management tools.
Ta strona internetowa i materiały na niej opublikowane, w tym kod źródłowy, pliki, znaki towarowe, loga, teksty, grafika, audycje, filmy, obrazy itp. ("materiały") mogą być chronione prawami autorskimi lub znakami towarowymi i należą do nas, z wyjątkiem tych autoryzowanych i zatwierdzonych przez naszych partnerów (strony trzecie). Reprodukcja jakichkolwiek materiałów uzyskanych z tej strony jest surowo zabroniona. Utworzenie hiperłącza do tej strony z innej strony internetowej może być dozwolone pod warunkiem, że zostaniemy o tym poinformowani na piśmie, pod warunkiem, że wspomniane łącze nie będzie prezentowane w sposób sugerujący, że ta strona jest w jakikolwiek sposób powiązana z jakąkolwiek stroną internetową osoby trzeciej lub popiera stronę internetową lub usługi osoby trzeciej.
Każde nieuprawnione wykorzystanie materiałów może naruszać prawa autorskie, prawa dotyczące znaków towarowych lub inne powiązane prawa.
Jeśli uważasz, że jakikolwiek materiał opublikowany na tej stronie narusza Twoje prawa autorskie, prawa własności intelektualnej lub inne prawa pokrewne, prosimy o niezwłoczny kontakt z nami za pośrednictwem formularza kontaktowego dostępnego na tej stronie.
Nie ponosimy odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek błędy w materiałach zamieszczonych na tej stronie i nie ponosimy odpowiedzialności za jakiekolwiek szkody wynikające z korzystania z tych materiałów.